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Dad’s Air Force Awards

Contributed by: Robert Povelones

Dad retired with the rank of Major after 20 years in the United States Air Force. He served from 1960–1980 and received many prestigious awards. They are listed below: Distinguished Flying Cross – The Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC) is our nation’s highest award for extraordinary aerial… Read More

Immigration from Lithuania

Contributed by: Robert Povelones

Our first Povelones ancestors in America can be traced back to the early 1900s when Anton and Paulina Povelones first arrived from Lithuania. During that time, due to a great famine as well as Russian persecution, there were a large number of Lithuanians that immigrated into the country. It… Read More

John and Reatha, Russellville, and the One Room Schoolhouse

Contributed by: Robert Povelones

The Villa Nova School, 1949. Credit Chester County Press If you’ve ever asked my Dad where him and Mom met, you would have heard this story about Russellville and the one room school house. Dad moved to Russellville about half way through the 6th grade in… Read More

Dad and His Clarinet

Contributed by: Robert Povelones

Dad’s musical career began when he was 5 years old. His parents instilled in him the importance of music at a very young age. To begin, he was taught the piano by his mother, my Grandma, Irene. He remembers she was extremely good – so good, he said, she could… Read More

Dad’s Career in the Air Force

Contributed by: Robert Povelones

Lieutenant Colonel, John Povelones Jr. For 20 years, Dad served in the US Air Force from 1960–1980 and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. During this time he traveled to many places and made many friends. Dad started his career in 1960 as a cadet at Harlingen… Read More

John Povelones Jr. Childhood

Contributed by: Robert Povelones

Moundsville, WV, ca 1899. Credit Teds Vintage Art Dad was born October 25th, 1940 at Reynolds Memorial Hospital in Glendale, WV. At that time, FDR was president and America had just come out of the Great Depression and was just 1 year away from the infamous… Read More

Famous Sayings of the Povelones Family Members

Contributed by: Art Povelones

Arthur Poole (Grandpa)  Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contestFeet on the floor make tracksAbout getting up in the morning.Or was it “feet on the floor, make tracks”?(Was it a simple declarative statement about what feet on the floor make. Or was it two commands “[Get… Read More